DK5KF Wolfgang Rathgeber, Bonn - Germany DK5KF is not responsible for contents of linked websites. - Locator: JO30nq DOK: G03 License: Since 1971 LOG: HRD Log ( Eqsl ( Ham Log ( ) LoTW Please!( QRZCQ ( QRZ ( Clublog ( Email: dk5kf[at]

Sunday, 6 December 2015
Friday, 27 November 2015
golem: Morsetelegraphie: ··· --- ···
Morsen braucht kein Mensch mehr? Ja, aber nur, solange unsere modernen Kommunikationsmittel auch funktionieren. Nach einem Erdbeben oder einem Terroranschlag oder in abgelegenen Regionen kann das schnell anders aussehen. Wer dann SOS morsen kann (siehe Überschrift), ist im Vorteil. [mehr...]
Thursday, 26 November 2015
Raspberry Pi Zero: the $5 computer
Of all the things we do at Raspberry Pi, driving down the cost of computer hardware remains one of the most important. Even in the developed world, a programmable computer is a luxury item for a lot of people, and every extra dollar that we ask someone to spend decreases the chance that they’ll choose to get involved. [more...]
Monday, 16 November 2015
Saturday, 14 November 2015
Wednesday, 4 November 2015
Sunday, 25 October 2015
Thursday, 24 September 2015
K3P and N4P - Pope Francis visits the USA Special Event-
Pope Francis visits the United States September 22 - 27 and amateur
radio will be part of the celebration.
Throughout the 5 day event (September 23 0000Z - September 27
0059Z) 6 special event amateur radio stations will be on the air to
commemorate the event. Call signs from the Washington, DC area will be K3P and N4P. From New York and New Jersey the call will be K2P. W3FRC/WMF will be on the air from southeastern Pennsylvania and W3P will be on the air in Philadelphia.
Thursday, 17 September 2015
D67GIA DXpedition Moroni, Comoro Island (AF-007) Sep 14 - Sep 23 2015
Application is approved and licence issued as D67GIA.
DXpedition to Comoro Island scheduled to September 2015.
DXpedition to Comoro Island scheduled to September 2015.
Monday, 14 September 2015
TM6NB -Expedition
A group of 6 belgian hams will be qrv from EU-105 between the 14th and 18th of september 2015, we will be qrv between 10m and 80m, in SSB, CW,PSK and RTTY. [more...]
Monday, 31 August 2015
100 Watts and a Wire
![]() |
100 watts and a wire |
Podcast Links: iTunes:
Facebook Group
Twitter: @100wandawire
Calling Frequencies: 14.287 and 7.180 [+OR-]
100WAAW NET is on 7.180 every Thursday at [01:00 UTC], 8p Central
Sunday, 23 August 2015
Dx Expedition Goland Island EJ7NET
We've had an excellent start to the EJ7NET Gola Island activation. At 10pm local time, we already have 550 QSOs in the log, mainly on 40m, 30m and 20m. Conditions on 20 have been strange, with Liam EI7DSB commenting that sometimes the band appears to be shutting down but then comes alive again, and some stations are affected by deep QSB. 30m has been flying, with several contacts into Japan. I had an hour or so on 40cw, and it was hopping. I had to run split because there was a good pile-up. [more...]
Dx Expedition,
Dx Expedition EI7NET,
Friday, 21 August 2015
Thursday, 20 August 2015
Bonner Fledermausschützer bitten Funkamateure um Hilfe
Bonner Fledermausschützer
bitten Funkamateure um Hilfe
Liebe Funkfeunde,
auf der Website des DARC erschien am 01.07.2015 die
Meldung „Funkamateure lauschen nach besenderten Fledermäusen in DL“. Auch wurde
im DL-Rundspruch für die 32. KW auf das –Fledermauszug-Monitoring-Projekt
hingewiesen, mit welchem u. a. die Wanderrouten der Rauhautfledermäuse
erforscht werden sollen.
Die Rauhautfledermaus (Pipistrellus nathusii) ist für
Laien kaum von der hier weit verbreiteten Zwergfledermaus (Pipistrellus
pipistrellus) zu unterscheiden. Ihr Zugverhalten ist aber noch weitgehend unerforscht.
Um hier Licht ins Dunkel zu bringen, werden am 30. August 2015 vier Rauhautfledermäuse in Schwedt/Oder mit
Sendern versehen und auf die Reise geschickt.
Der Bonner Arbeitskreis für Fledermausschutz (BAFF)
beteiligt sich ebenfalls an dem Projekt und bittet die Funkamateure in Bonn und
Umgebung um Mithilfe.
Da die Siegauen zwischen Mondorf und Troisdorf-Bergheim
als Rast- und Balzgebiet für die Rauhautfledermaus bekannt sind, besteht eine
gewisse Chance, dass die besenderten Tiere auch durch das Rheintal ziehen. Die
Chance, eine besenderte Fledermaus nachts beim Vorbeiflug zu erwischen, ist
äußert gering. Tagsüber in Baumhöhlen und Spalten rastende Tiere haben dagegen
eine bessere Chance, geortet zu werden. Daher wäre es lohnenswert, verstärkt
dieses Gebiet mit Empfängern und Richtantennen zu belauschen oder bei
Spaziergängen einen portablen Empfänger mitzunehmen. Aber auch in der
heimischen Umgebung mal reinzuhören kann nicht schaden.
Die zu überwachenden Frequenzen sind 150.090, 150.125,
150.165 und 150.200 MHz. Die Sender senden in CW drei Impulse von ca. 20 ms im
Abstand von ca. 900 ms, gefolgt von einer Pause von ca. 3600 ms. Ein
Hörbeispiel ist zu finden auf
Bauartbedingt können die zeitlichen Abstände und die Frequenz
temperaturabhängig schwanken. Die Polarisierung kann je nach Lage der Tiere
unterschiedlich sein. Die Laufzeit der Sender soll mindestens 30 Tage betragen.
Der Überwachungszeitraum wird bis Ende Oktober angesetzt.
Um die Chancen für den Empfang besser ausloten zu können,
wird in der Nähe des Fischereimuseums in Troisdorf-Bergheim vom 30. August bis
31. Oktober eine Bake auf der Frequenz 150.008 MHz installiert. Die Sendeleistung
und das Signal dieser Bake sind ähnlich dem der verwendeten Markierungssender
(< 0.5 mW).
Sollte eine der
markierten Fledermäuse auf einer der oben genannten Frequenzen gehört werden,
bitten wir um umgehende telefonische Mitteilung an Martin Koch 0171/3285025 vom
BAFF (ggf. auf Mailbox sprechen).
Zusätzlich bitten wir um einen kurzen Empfangsbericht.
Dieser sollte neben Datum, Uhrzeit (UTC), QRG (MHz), Signalstärke, QTH
(GPS-Daten) auch die Peilrichtung und Wetterdaten enthalten. Wenn der Standort
des Tieres durch Kreuzpeilung oder Homing-in genauer lokalisiert werden kann,
bitte auch die Geokoordinaten angeben.
Bitte stören Sie
die Tiere nicht in ihren Quartieren! Sie benötigen ihre Energie für den
Empfangsberichte (auch von der Bake) bitte zeitnah per
E-Mail an
Fragen zum Projekt können auch an diese Adresse gerichtet
Unsere 4
Fledermäuse bestätigen mit Sonder-QSL.
Werner Dreckmann DH4KAV
Bonner Arbeitskreis für Fledermausschutz (BAFF)
Thursday, 13 August 2015
Forschungsmuseum König: Amateurfunker lauschen nach besenderten Fledermäusen in Deutschland – Aufruf!
Einige Fledermausarten zeigen ein ähnliches Verhalten wie Zugvögel aber der genaue Zugverlauf ist weitestgehend unbekannt. Durch wissenschaftliche Fledermausmarkierung (Beringung) mit Unterarmklammern sind gegenwärtig Wanderungen über sehr weiteEntfernungen vom Großen Abendsegler (Nyctalus noctula) bis 1.546 km, vom Kleinabendsegler (Nyctalus leisleri) bis 1.567 km,von der Zweifarbfledermaus (Vespertiliomurinus) bis 1.780 kmund der Rauhautfledermaus (Pipistrellus nathusii) bis 1.905 km bekannt. [mehr...]
Monitoring Deutschland
Monitoring Deutschland
Saturday, 18 July 2015
Tuesday, 7 July 2015
faz: Lauter beste Freunde
Wer funkt denn heute noch? In Friedrichshafen treffen sich seit 40 Jahren die Funkamateure. Seit 2014 sind auch die Maker dabei. Wir haben uns einmal umgeschaut. [mehr...]
Sunday, 7 June 2015
Friday, 15 May 2015
Thursday, 14 May 2015
Tuesday, 12 May 2015
New Nepal Earthquake May 12
New Nepal Earthquake May 12
Amateur radio emergency nets are reported to have been activated on 14205 kHz and 14215 kHz
On 9N1EMERGENCY Colin Wilson posted:
Following the announcement this morning of further earthquakes in Nepal we have activated 14205 kHz and our primary frequency for Emergency traffic to and from Nepal. 14215 has been activated also as a secondary frequency, stations wishing to assist should call net control on 215 not 205 thanks.
9N1EMERGENCY Facebook Group
On the RAYNET-HF site Greg Mossop G0DUB reports:
At 0705UTC this morning Nepal was hit by a new earthquake of magnitude 7.4. The planned response from the American MARS service with 9N1SP is now in place should support be required. However there is still a large international disaster response structure in the country from the earlier event.
More information when I get it.
Greg, G0DUB
IARU Region 1 Emergency Communications Co-Ordinator
Facebook Group: 9N1EMERGENCY
All - International Amateur Radio Emergency Response Network - for Nepal Team. We have now closed our nets until 0200Z by request of 9N1AA, he has requested we QRX until this time and also to be QRV on 14215KHz at this time. Thank you all again for your assistance it was much appreciated and I hope some of you will join us during the night when we re-open the net. Best 73 Colin CT7ACG/G3VCQ
Amateur radio emergency nets are reported to have been activated on 14205 kHz and 14215 kHz
On 9N1EMERGENCY Colin Wilson posted:
Following the announcement this morning of further earthquakes in Nepal we have activated 14205 kHz and our primary frequency for Emergency traffic to and from Nepal. 14215 has been activated also as a secondary frequency, stations wishing to assist should call net control on 215 not 205 thanks.
9N1EMERGENCY Facebook Group
On the RAYNET-HF site Greg Mossop G0DUB reports:
At 0705UTC this morning Nepal was hit by a new earthquake of magnitude 7.4. The planned response from the American MARS service with 9N1SP is now in place should support be required. However there is still a large international disaster response structure in the country from the earlier event.
More information when I get it.
Greg, G0DUB
IARU Region 1 Emergency Communications Co-Ordinator
Facebook Group: 9N1EMERGENCY
All - International Amateur Radio Emergency Response Network - for Nepal Team. We have now closed our nets until 0200Z by request of 9N1AA, he has requested we QRX until this time and also to be QRV on 14215KHz at this time. Thank you all again for your assistance it was much appreciated and I hope some of you will join us during the night when we re-open the net. Best 73 Colin CT7ACG/G3VCQ
Monday, 11 May 2015
Thursday, 30 April 2015
ars technica: After Nepal earthquake, people turn to ham radio
On Saturday, Nepal was shaken by a massive earthquake that registered a 7.8 on the Richter scale, causing widespread destruction in areas of dense population, and preventing aid workers from reaching more isolated villages in the mountainous regions. As of Tuesday, at least 5,000 people were dead and at least 10,000 were injured. Hundreds of thousands of people have been left homeless. [more...]
Tuesday, 28 April 2015
southgate: Nepal earthquake update #3
southgate: Nepal earthquake update #3
The death toll of at least 4,300 people and tens of thousands are homeless following the 7.9 earthquake that hit Nepal on the weekend is still engaged in rescue and recovery.The quake also triggered avalanches on Mt Everest with many climbers killed or lost.
Jayu VU2JAU the National Coordinator for Disaster Communication in neighbouring India reported that after the first two days the rescue teams are still finding it difficult to trace the missing as well as those who are buried in the ruins.
He said all the officials and police department are working hard among the chaos to help people.
Jayu VU2JAU said: "More than 2500 people are reported to be untraceable.
As one of hotels was demolished where four doctors were staying, only one survived and is located in Red Cross camp injured condition. This is one case but many cases possible like that as the hotel must be holding many people.
"It was also reported that three places had landslides where casualties are expected to be more and the list may increase."
He reported that people are stranded in many places like at the Airport, Base Camps, Indian Embassy and other places.
Nepal HAMs are facing hard situation. Now another two HAMs along with Satish 9N1AA and Suresh 9N1HA are supported by Pravin 9N1KK and Akarsha 9N1ZZ, along with VU2DMS joined them in operation," said Jayu VU2JAU.
The Indian Embassy has arranged busses to evacuate people from various places.
Four buses from Mungaling to Birganj, but face two broken bridges on the way and passengers are required to change buses and walk. Another ten buses are running from Pokhara to Mungling since Pokhara reported maximum casualties.
Four HAMs from Gujarat left for Nepal headed by Zala VU2ZNN. They will be reaching Nepal today and set up stations at critical places.
Similarly a four-member team of HAMs are expected to reach tomorrow from North Delhi. Jayu VU2JAU along with Ananda VU2AGJ and Sandip VU2MUE have decided to set up HF and VHF stations at Gorakhpur on the Indo-Nepal border.
Jim Linton VK3PC
Chairman IARU Region 3 Disaster Communications Committee.
Please keep the following frequencies (+/- 5 khz) clear until further notice: 14.310 - 14.200 through 14.215 - 7.100
Wednesday, 25 March 2015
Tuesday, 10 March 2015
E30FB Expedion/Project
The SEISA/Foundation for Global Children is pleased to announce our next activity as “Eritrea Project 2015”. As part of this project, we will conduct an amateur radio DXpedition from Asmara Eritrea, from March 6th to 17th, 2015. [more...]
Thursday, 5 March 2015
Wednesday, 25 February 2015
Thursday, 19 February 2015
Sunday, 1 February 2015
Friday, 30 January 2015
Wednesday, 28 January 2015
The Verge: THE CODE: A declassified and unbelievable hostage rescue story
THE CODE: A declassified and unbelievable hostage rescue story [more...]
Morse Code,
The Code
Sunday, 18 January 2015
Friday, 2 January 2015
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