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Sunday, 5 February 2023
dx world : 3Y0J – Bouvet Island (part II)
“During the weekend the 3Y0J team have adjusted our plans. We are currently preparing this Sunday morning to land essential supplies to survive on the island, and build the camp to manage the upcoming storm predicted for Thursday. In addition, we will attempt to land radio equipment in a difficult operation during the most favorable time slots. This landing depends on the conditions at Bouvet which have proven to be very difficult. The setup is a small scale setup that, if we succeed, will possibly be extended. More info later.” more...
Friday, 3 February 2023
The Bouvet Island DXpedition
Bouvetøya or Bouvet is a Norwegian volcanic island in the Southern Ocean. It is one of the most isolated islands in the world and 89 percent of the island is covered by glaciers. The island has status as a nature reserve and setting up a camp requires a permission. Its location is at 54°25′S, 3°20′A, 2500 kilometres southwest of South Africa, 1600 kilometres from Gough Island and 1700 kilometres north of the coast of Dronning Maud Land. The island is not part of Antarctica, which is defined as the area south of 60 °S. The island measures only 49 square kilometres, and is almost entirely covered by ice. Steep cliffs on all sides of the island make it extremely difficult to go ashore there. Olavtoppen, 780 metres above sea level, is the highest peak on the island. more...
Our 3Y0J vessel tracker will be
WiMo: Die 3YØJ Bouvet Island DXpedition 2023
UPDATE: 03.02.2023, 04:54h am CET
The 3Y0J Team is very busy working in very extreme and difficult conditions to transfer all the equipment and supplies from Marama to Bouvet Island. The materials must then be carried or hoisted up to their campsite at a higher elevation. The Starlink internet terminal has been disconnected. Internet communications with team members will not be possible again until the camp is established and Starlink set up. Team Co-Leader Ken LA7GIA has asked that we be patient while they work. The satellite radios are being used to coordinate activities between the camp and the boat and must be kept open for that purpose. Thank you for your understanding. more...