Amateur radio operators sent a very slow CW (1/25 WPM) to NASA’s Juno spacecraft during its Earth flyby on October 9, 2013.
Hams sent “HI” every 10 minutes as Juno approached Earth, and the message was clearly detected several times.
The Juno team confirmed that more than 1400 radio hams participated, representing all seven continents.
Juno QSL cards have been sent out to those radio amateurs who participated in the Juno Earth flyby experiment. [more...]
German DXpedition to Bonaire in the Caribbean Netherlands IOTA SA-006
5th April 2014 to 18th April 2014
Operators: DK7AN, DJ2VO, DL3KMS
Grid Square: FK52ud
Vienna International Amateur Radio Club (VIARC) proudly announces that VIARC will operate stations under newly releasedcallsigns of C7A and 4Y1A as a host institute. The callsign block C7A-C7Z is allocated to World Meteorological Organization (WMO) and 4YA-4YZ is to International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO). VIARC is operating a UN amateur radio station with the callsign 4U1VIC at Vienna International Centre which hosts numerous UN organizations and other international organizations. [more...]